I'm Better Than I Think: Getting on the other side of limiting beliefs

You are better than you believe! For many living under restrictive thoughts have truly limited their ability to be their best. These beliefs are formed unconsciously and are frequently based on life experiences. Having these beliefs can prevent us from taking action, and releasing them can have a positive impact on ourself-worth, confidence, and personal empowerment. This workbook and journal has been designed to help those struggling with limiting beliefs to be freed of the restraints, to change their thoughts and to embrace capabilities that may have been overlooked. The content helps the reader to work through limiting beliefs around

  • Age

  • Family History

  • Physical Makeup

  • Mindset

  • Money

  • Time

This resource provides a wonderful start to identifying the belief strongholds, and devising solutions for uprooting the negative thought patterns and replacing them with a mindset for growth and success.

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